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Monday, January 21, 2008

SEO Marketing Articles That Sell Much More Must Have This Strategy

Here is a little known marketing secret that is so simple and yet helps SEO articles sell much more effectively.

Admittedly there are plenty of people out there who do not even believe that articles are a very powerful selling tool if you know how to use them. In fact when you do a little key word research and come up with an article that not only sells but is also search engine optimized, the effect can be quite dramatic on your sales.

The simple secret that will make the difference for your article between selling nothing and selling tens of thousands of dollars worth of product has to do with your target readership. Every article has a target audience and the way to attract that intended audience is through the headline that you choose. A general title will attract a larger audience but no sales while a title that is targeted at a smaller niche will be read by fewer people but will sell much more. It is as simple as that.

For example, let us assume that you are in the business of helping people profit from their computers. “How To Profit From Your Computer” is not a bad headline for an article. The only problem is that it is too general and although it will attract a large and wide audience, it will hardly sell anything. But how about if you narrowed down your audience dramatically and specified exactly how to make money from a PC. Say you had a title like “How To Profit From Desktop Publishing.” While it is true that you will have a much smaller audience, it is also true that that audience will be more captive and will therefore be much more likely to buy from you.

There is no reason to be general with articles because you can easily cover each and every niche that you choose to go out for by segmenting your market and creating a different article for each segment. That is how you get SEO articles to sell like crazy for you.

To maximize on sales, your articles should not look like they are selling anything. What they need to do is discuss and solve common problems and get the reader really interested and enthusiastic. Your resource box at the bottom can then refer them directly to a more detailed solution which should be your product or service.

For example this article discusses about how SEO articles can be sued to sell products and services directly online. The resource box links you to more information where the services of an experienced SEO ghost writer are mentioned at the bottom of the article. This has proved to be a very effective way of selling ghost writer services.

Or get this experienced ghost writer to create the articles for you.

Get an e-book written and created for you for FREE.

Friday, January 18, 2008

SEO Ghost Writer Top Secret: How To Use A Free Article To Sell Like Crazy Online

Is it really possible to use a free articles or SEO advertising ghost writer content to directly sell something online? There are many people who will swear that it is impossible.

And you really can’t blame them for their conviction. How the heck can a free article posted in some crowded article directory sell stuff when folks are busy buying advertising online that hardly sells?

Actually the truth is that free articles posted at certain article directories can be turned into excellent selling tools that can help you sell virtually anything and without even having to refer readers to your site. How do I know this? I have sold services worth tens of thousands of dollars at a time using nothing else but free articles posted at certain directories online.

However there are some special skills and know-how you require to make it work for you and I will use this article to list some of the most important.

Find An Exciting New Angle
It has often been said that it is not what you say that counts but how you say it. This is very true when it comes to articles and content online. There is too much to read online and so although it is easier to ignore an ad rather than an article, it is still very easy to ignore your article.

The first step in any selling venture is to attract attention and then interest followed by desire and finally action. This important sequence is easy to remember if you remember; AIDA. A-Attention, I- Interest, D- Desire, A- Action.

Without attracting attention the other steps do not matter. That is how important attracting attention is. The way to do it is to address a problem by giving a solution. The solution offered by this article is how to sell like crazy online. Most folks know the kind of headaches people go through trying to sell online.

Just find an exciting new angle to your product or service by focusing on the most pressing problem it solves. This is the most effective technique for grabbing attention.

Write An Article That Will Create Interest And Desire
Words are powerful. That is why somebody once said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Mere words have inspired revolutions, use them to inspire sales by getting your readers so interested that they start to desire your solution even before you have offered it.

This can be done by simply demonstrating how your solution works.

Give A Free Sample
At the end of your convincing article, offer a free sample to really push your prospects into taking action. Nothing helps to sell like free samples, especially on the World Wide Web. For example if it is hosting services, you can give a one week free trial or something like that. If it is an e-book or conventional book you can give away the first 3 chapters free.

The more creative you can be here, the bigger the rewards you will reap in terms of actual sales as a result of your promotional article.

Where To Post Your Article
Where you post your article is equally important. When I started out in this business, I would post my articles only at leading article directories, I didn’t even have a site in those days. That is how I learnt by trade and by the time I was setting up my blogs, I was already a pro. Interestingly I have found that blogs are much more effective than conventional web sites, but that is a lengthy article for another day.

The truth is that these article directories are very crowded so you have to make your article stand out based on the headline and exciting new angle that you have used. Then you also need to make your article search engine friendly so that it ends up at the top of search results for your most relevant keyword phrases.

Another additional technique is to use social networking sites like to attract attention to your article.

Or get this experienced ghost writer to create the articles for you.

Get an e-book written and created for you for FREE.