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Friday, May 06, 2005

Debt consolidation comes before effective marketing

Debt consolidation? Seems like a mighty strange title for an article in a blog about marketing, does it not? More like finding an article on diamond jewelry, silver prices or accutane lawsuits here. But there is a simple explanation.

Over the years I have found that a sizeable percentage of the people attracted to my services of marketing with little or no ad budget, are mostly people with serious cash problems. Many of them are in debts and believe that if they can find an effective way to market their business and sell like crazy, they will pay off their debts and ease off the pressure that they are feeling. In other words they believe that marketing can be an effective debt management tool.

NO WAY. It can’t be done.

It is sometime very difficult for me to get the courage to tell them the truth in their faces, especially when I imagine how desperate they are. I was there myself so I fully understand.

There are several reasons why this thinking is not correct

1) Successful Marketing happens when somebody is relaxed

For you to be successful with your marketing, especially while using the methods in this blog, you will need to be totally relaxed. This is the only way you can be able to do the daily analysis of what you are doing and have the creative juices flowing to deal with the various inevitable obstacles until you have your cash machine up and running.

Believe me, I tried it myself, it cannot be done when you’re worrying where the rent will come from or if you will find your car still in the car park at the end of the day.

2) If you are in debt a debt management solution is the priority not marketing.
There was a time that billionaire publisher Rupert Murdoch was in a serious debt problem and for a moment it looked like his empire would come crumbling down. He got out of it by getting his loans rescheduled (very similar to debt consolidation). Still my point here is that Murdoch who is a marketing genius (love him or hate him) did not indulge in some marketing campaigns for some of his highest grossing newspapers or media houses. He dealt with his debt first. And so should you.

3) Debt is a bottomless pit which will swallow your marketing
Many people do not take debt management with the seriousness it deserves. The blunt truth is that debt is a bottomless pit that will easily swallow you and all your smart marketing. The solution to debt can never be marketing. It is debt management and debt consolidation is a good place to start.

Contrary to what many people think debt consolidation is not another loan.

Debt consolidation is a process in which debt is restructured into one low, manageable monthly payment. It also helps a person dramatically reduce what is owed and thus reduce the interest accruing.

Debt consolidation is trying to restore some breathing space to your life so that you can get something done.

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