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Friday, February 17, 2006

Affiliate Internet Marketing Will Get You Loads Of Traffic If Your Articles Does These Four Things

If all your affiliate Internet marketing promotional articles do just these four things, then you are bound to get more traffic than you can possibly imagine, let alone handle.

i) Every Affiliate Internet Marketing Article Or Post Must Be Based On Carefully Selected Popular But Low-Competition-Keywords

When every post and entry to your blog or site is based on a certain carefully selected keyword phrase that is not too competitive, you will inevitable attract a sizeable chunk of targeted traffic from the search engines.

How do you get a keyword phrase that is not too competitive? It’s simple you take a look at how many people usually search for it and then take a look at the top sites in a search engine query for that keyword phrase. What is the ranking of those sites, how many links has Google indexed that point at that site? Is it almost the same number of links as you have? If so, you are in a good position to challenge for that keyword, so write an article or brief post quickly that shares some valuable tips and yet uses that keyword phrase.

If each keyword phrase you use attracts say, only 50 hits per day, it means that if you get just 20 similar keyword phrases, you will be able to generate 1,000 hits per day to your site.

ii) Don’t Waste Time Posting Your Affiliate Internet Marketing Articles To Low Traffic Directories

When you can go further and ensure that you post your best affiliate Internet marketing articles at certain high traffic article directories, then you will be able to effectively do two important things. You will generate lots of highly targeted traffic immediately. This traffic will tend to be much more targeted than the one you will usually receive from search engines. Secondly, you will also be creating valuable one way links pointing at your site that search engines will index, thus greatly improving your rankings.

iii) Affiliate Internet Marketing Link-Baitng Articles Will Get You Plenty of High Traffic Links
When you can also write link-baiting articles regularly for your affiliate Internet marketing, then sooner or later your site will in the leading pack of sites as far as links are concerned. The chances are that you will not hit a home run on your first try, however with each attempt you make to write a link-baiting article or post, you will be getting closer to your home run. Sooner or later you are bound to create the sort of link-baiting article that will get other bloggers to link to your page like crazy. Some folks have ended up with hundreds of links from a single link-baiting post within a few hours.

The more controversial, the better. Study some blog posts that you have linked to recently and then try and replicate the same sort of idea.

iv) Generate Affiliate Internet Marketing Articles That Will Help You Build An Opt-in Email List Quickly
Then there are affiliate Internet marketing articles that leave the reader so amazed at what they have just learnt and hungry for even more information. When you suggest that they subscribe to your regular email newsletter or course, many will not hesitate and that is how you quickly build an opt-in email list that will help you sustain your traffic and affiliate product profits.

When you can practice all these four article techniques regularly for a couple of months, you will be absolutely amazed at how successful your affiliate Internet marketing will become and how quickly your affiliate income will take off.


You can also get my amazing free special report How To Use A Free Blog, The Adsense Program And Your Favorite Affiliate Schemes To Generate $7,777 A Month Get it NOW by subscribing to his article promotion newsletter. Send a blank email to

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