An amazing email course that will solve your content problems forever
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You will love this extremely informative email course that will help you access the tons of free content that is already lying around you waiting to be used, even as you read this. Remember I have said FREE content. You don’t need to pay for it.
Everybody knows how important content is for any website that wants traffic. Search engines are designed to greatly reward sites that have plenty of valuable content. And yet for most people getting content for their sites is very hard work. Either there is hardly any time to write it or they don’t have the cash to hire some expert SEO ghost writer to generate it for them.
Now with this course that is the only one of its kind, all your content problems will be solved forever. Start by accessing the tons of content you have in your email inbox and outbox that only requires very limited editing and the writing of one or two valuable sentences and VOILA!!! You have fresh original content that both your prospects and search engines will love and reward you for. It is guaranteed to cause your prospects to hurriedly place orders for whatever it is you sell on your website and search engines will reward it with plenty of relevant targeted traffic.
Don’t have much in your email account? Your site is brand new? No worries I have some amazing alternative techniques that will guarantee you that you will be able to quickly create your first 100 articles, all quality content that is going to be much better than what is on your most admired competitors’ site. Again you will hardly need to write anything. Just a few minor adjustments here and there.
My amazing email course teaches you how to:
i) Identify and collect the tons of content in your email address inbox and outbox.
ii) How to quickly generate 100 articles even if your new site and new email address have only been running for a week or so.
iii) How to do quick keyword research to identify the best keyword phrases to slot into your free content fr maximum search engine attention.
iv) Where exactly to place the keyword phrases for search engines.
v) How to write in the kind of introductions that will get the attention of your readers who are usually in a terrible hurry and easily get bored with so much to read and so much choice online.
vi) The best Keyword search tool online (believe it or not it is absolutely FREE and you don’t have to register for anything) and how to use it for maximum impact.
vii) How to quickly identify the kind of content your prospects are looking for and cannot find anywhere online. This will also immediately attract favorable attention from search engines.
viii) Apart from posting the content on your site I reveal where else you will need to post it and the exact links you need to create for maximum effect. Including what keyword phrases to use as anchor text. What is anchor text anyway? Don’t worry; I explain in detail what it is.
ix) All this and more is written in simple easy-to-understand language. Each lesson rapidly takes you to the next level so that by the time you complete the 12 lessons of this amazing email course, you will be ready to go.
x) You can ask me an unlimited number of questions via email, once you have registered for the course.
xi) Free telephone consultations on any issues you don’t quite understand or unique cases you may want resolved.
All this for only $19.90cts. Rush and order your course now before somebody changes their mind. Email me NOW and instantly receive the simple ordering instructions.
You can also order my weekly FREE email newsletter on the same subject. Email NOW to start receiving it.
Or do you want me to personally compile and edit your FREE content for you? See THIS PAGE for details.
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