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Monday, August 07, 2006

Can A Blog With Only 3 Unique Visitors A Day Make Money?

It is documented that on a good day, the average site on the web receives about 3 unique visitors. This is actually the daily average. Pretty depressing, but the question is, can this average site make any money for the owner, say within a few weeks?

You bet it can. For instance by launching a reciprocal links campaign, this blog receiving only 3 unique visitors daily can greatly multiply and increase its' traffic in leaps and bounds. Especially if the blogger can find blogs with much higher traffic to exchange reciprocal links with. But even if they are consistent in acquiring reciprocal links with other low traffic sites, the increased traffic will rapidly add up and accumulate so that within a very short time the low traffic blog that previously welcomed only 3 souls per day will now have a rapidly rising double digit traffic.

It is also important to maximize on the number of page views from every unique visitor. The way to do this is to have unique quality content and then link the various pages covering similar topics in an intelligent way. For example an article on reciprocal links can have links at the bottom pointing to all other articles in the blog that address this subject of links.

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