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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

How To Increase Your Page Rank

Increasing or improving your page rank is critical for the success of any low traffic site.

There are two effective ways of improving a site's page rank in the shortest time possible. The first is to create valuable content and post it at high traffic, high ranking article directories.

The second is to acquire links pointing at your low traffic site. Reciprocal links will not quite work and what you really need are plenty of one way links from sites with a higher page rank.

Usually the two methods combined work best, although I have had a few instances where good quality articles posted at this high traffic articles directory I use have enabled me to move the ranking of a site from 0 to about 3. This has happened with a very short space of time (about 2 weeks). However sites with higher rankings of 4 or higher have been achieved only by using the second method. I have no idea whether this is a hard and fast rule, but this is my very own personal experience with page ranks.

The higher your page rank, the easier it is to start generating revenue from your low traffic site. You may even find that other sites offer to buy advertising space in the form of text links on your site. There are also a number of sites that will sell advertising space on your behalf and take a commission, if your site has a high enough page rank.

In other words increasing your page rank is the fastest route to turning a low traffic site into a moneymaker.

Discover how to use text links to build traffic.

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