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Thursday, August 17, 2006

How To Use Articles To Sell Like Crazy

Here is a simple technique you can use to sell any product or service very effectively online.

Research and come up with some really valuable information that highlights the problems that can be best solved by your product. Create an information blog and archive all these valuable articles there. Ensure that each article you write is posted at the highest traffic articles directory on the web with a resource box that refers visitors to your information packed blog.

Let me emphasize that it is of absolute importance that your information is as valuable as possible. It should also be your own original work. Cut and paste does not work these days more so with the crack down in duplicate content.

Your articles should make use of important keywords and non-competitive keyword phrases that will help you attract traffic via search engines in the long term. To help you make an impact as quickly as possible with search engines look for sites with a page rank of 3 or higher and get them to link to you. Initially you should also do plenty of reciprocal linking. The whole idea is to steadily build up the traffic arriving at your information blog. You do this by increasing the articles and links pointing to your information site.

At your information blog have detailed text links within your article and even in the resource box pointing to your traffic or sales site. Make it clear in the link that you are pointing your readers to an excellent solution to the problem at hand. Another link pointing directly to your traffic site should be in your article resource box.

It is very important that you remember to vary the wording in your article resource box and even anchor text in your links, so as to avoid the duplicate content penalty of omission by search engines.

Read the next part of this article.

Discover how to get text links that will help you sell like crazy.

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